Produkte von Herausgeber: FVA

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Bearing World Journal Informatik und Technik Bearing World Journal Auflage 2020
Purpose of the Bearing World Journal is to publish regularly scientific reports related to rolling and plain bearings. It will publish papers about fundamental research with keeping an eye on the industrial application. Access to the PDF-Versions is free (see below) printed versions can be ordered here. Editions 2016: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021060908550909955392 2017:...
101,65  EUR Brutto
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Bearing World Journal - Volume 1 - December 2016 Unternehmensführung Bearing World Journal - Volume 1 - December 2016 Auflage 2016
Proceedings of the 1st Bearing World Conference 12-13 April 2016, Hanover/Germany FVA 2016, 138 pages ISBN 978-3-8163-0705-1 Contents: Noise elimination for vibration-based rolling bearing fault diagnosis Merdane H., ORS Bearings Inc. (TR) CFD-based analysis of thermal shear localization in EHL films Feldermann A., RWTH Aachen University (DE) An experimental approach on slip...
85,60  EUR Brutto
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