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FEM 9.860 Guideline Cycle time calculation for automated vehicle storage and retrieval systems
inkl. 7% MwSt.
150,00 EUR exkl. MwSt
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19 Seiten
FEM - Product Group Intralogistic Systems / Racking and Shelving 2016
PG Intralogistic Systems
40 pages
Edition 08-2017
1 Scope 3
2 Terms and Definitions 4
3 Abbreviations and symbols 4
3.1 Abbreviations 4
3.2 Symbols 5
4 Automated vehicle storage and retrieval system 7
4.1 System description 7
4.2 Vehicle concept 9
4.3 Load handling devices 10
4.4 Wheel arrangements/undercarriage concepts 10
4.5 Rack system 10
4.6 Lift 11
4.7 System maintenance 11
5 System design and calculation 11
5.1 Introduction 11
5.2 Basics of cycle time calculation 12
5.2.1 Technical basics 12
5.2.2 Basics of calculation 13
5.3 Calculation of cycle times for lifts 15
5.3.1 Lift operations in single cycle mode 15
5.3.2 Lift operations in double cycle mode 16
5.3.3 Lift operations in multiple cycle mode 20
5.4 Calculation of cycle times for shuttle vehicles 25
5.4.1 Shuttle vehicles with TU lift 26
5.4.2 Shuttle vehicles with vehicle lift 27
5.5 Special cases 27
5.5.1 Translation of lift in x-direction 27
5.5.2 Several lifts in an aisle 29
5.5.3 Double deep storage 31
5.5.4 Shuttle on shuttle storage system 32
5.6 Number of shuttle vehicles 33
6 Test cycles 34
6.1 Definition of the test point for single cycles 35
6.2 Definition of test points for multiple cycles 35
Annex: Calculation example 37
Bibliography 40
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