OE-A Roadmap for Flexible, Organic and Printed Electronics - Whitepaper 2023 edition


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    OE-A Roadmap for Flexible, Organic and Printed Electronics - Whitepaper 2023 edition | PDF

    The OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association) Roadmap is one of the key activities of the OE-A. It represents the common perspective of OE-A members on the current state of printed electronics based on the work of more than 250 experts. The 9th edition of the Roadmap presents and updated forecast for the market entry on larger scales for the various applications and reviews the growth of products into the market. For the first time, the white paper will look more closely at the key industry sectors, providing short-, medium- and long-term forecasts for product developments in each of the sectors. As in each edition of the Roadmap, the key application and technology parameters and principle challenges seen for further development of organic electronics have been reviewed. The technology section of the white paper provides a review of the progress in new materials and improved processes.

    More info may be found at oe-a.org/roadmap

    1.    Executive summary
    2.    About the OE-A Roadmap
    2.1.    Structure and Process
    2.2.    Technology and Manufacturing Readiness Levels
    3.    Industry Sectors
    3.1.    Automotive
    3.2.    Consumer Electronics
    3.3.    Healthcare
    3.4.    Printing & Packaging
    3.5.    Smart Buildings
    3.6.    Internet of Things
    4.    Applied Technologies
    4.1.    Flexible and OLED Displays
    4.2.    Organic & Perovskite Photovoltaics
    4.2.1.    Organic Photovoltaics
    4.2.2.    Perovskite Photovoltaics
    4.3.    Electronics and Components Cluster
    4.3.1.    Flexible Power Storage
    4.3.2.    Active Devices
    4.3.3.    Passive Devices
    4.4.    Integrated Smart Systems Cluster
    4.4.1.    Smart Objects and Sensors
    4.4.2.    Smart Textiles
    4.4.3.    3D Structural Electronics
    4.5.    OLED Lighting
    5.    Enabling Technologies
    5.1.    Functional Materials
    5.2.    Substrate Materials
    5.3.    Printing, Coating and Patterning Techniques
    6.    Principle Challenges
    7.    Summary and Outlook
    8.    Acknowledgements
    9.    Glossary of Abbreviations


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