Products from Thema: Informatik und Technik

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Die Chipknappheit – Herausforderungen und Chancen für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau in Europa Die Chipknappheit – Herausforderungen und... Auflage 2023
VDMA 2023 VDMA member companies can download the study free of charge at: The shortage of microchips coupled with significant price increases in some cases has made the global economy...
224.70 EUR * Brutto
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Sichere Befestigung von Kernbohrgeräten Sichere Befestigung von Kernbohrgeräten Auflage 2017
VDMA 2017 - 20 pages For the safe operation of machinery and equipment on construction sites, the operator of a machine must comply with the applicable statutory regulations and the manufacturer's operating instructions. Compliance with...
3.64 EUR * Brutto
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Leitfaden zur Baukastengestaltung Leitfaden zur Baukastengestaltung Auflage 2015
1 Introduction - Motivation - Objectives - Benefits 2 Deficits and requirements in the development of modular systems 2.1 Challenges in the development of modular systems in practice 2.2 Requirements for the modular system development...
59.99 EUR * Brutto
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MEPROMA - Anforderungen und Methoden im mechatronischen Engineering MEPROMA - Anforderungen und Methoden im... Auflage 2015
1 Introduction 1.1 Objectives and contents of the document 1.2 VDMA Software Quality Assurance Guidelines and System Specification Template 2 Elements of a healthy development process 2.1 Quality gate concept 2.1.1 Phases in the quality...
48.00 EUR * Brutto
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Nachhaltige Wärmebehandlungsprozesse systematisch entwickeln Nachhaltige Wärmebehandlungsprozesse... Auflage 2013
VDMA 2018 124 pages ISBN: 978-3-8163-0728-0 Final report EnerTHERM Publisher: PD Dr. Friedrich Raether Fraunhofer Center for High Temperature Lightweight Construction HTL Gottlieb-Keim-Straße 62 95448 Bayreuth
50.00 EUR * Brutto
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Die neue EG-Maschinenrichtlinie 2006 Die neue EG-Maschinenrichtlinie 2006 Auflage 2006
Beuth Verlag 2006 240 pages This work is an introductory explanation of the new EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, illustrated with many graphics. The highly experienced team of authors, made up of engineers and lawyers, interprets,...
29.80 EUR * Brutto
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The new EC Machinery Directive 2006 The new EC Machinery Directive 2006 Auflage 2006
Beuth Verlag 2006 234 pages This work is an introductory explanation of the new EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, illustrated with many graphics. The highly experienced team of authors, made up of engineers and lawyers, interprets,...
44.00 EUR * Brutto
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aquimo aquimo Auflage 2010
VDMA 2010 148 pages ISBN 978-3-8163-0589-7 aquimo: Adaptable modelling tool and qualification program for the development of company-specific mechatronic engineering processes A guide for mechanical and plant engineering The demands of...
50.00 EUR * Brutto
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Piraterierobuste Gestaltung von Produkten und Prozessen Piraterierobuste Gestaltung von Produkten und... Auflage 2010
VDMA 2010 192 pages
50.00 EUR * Brutto
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Kennzeichnungstechnologien zum wirksamen Schutz gegen Produktpiraterie Kennzeichnungstechnologien zum wirksamen Schutz... Auflage 2010
VDMA 2010 196 pages
50.00 EUR * Brutto
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Wirksamer Schutz gegen Produktpiraterie im Unternehmen Wirksamer Schutz gegen Produktpiraterie im... Auflage 2010
VDMA 2010 223 pages ISBN 978-3-8163-0603-0 Volume 3 of the series Innovations against product piracy with results from the projects: ProOriginal KoPira KoPiKomp ProAuthent Based on a company-specific vulnerability and risk analysis,...
50.00 EUR * Brutto
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Innovationsmanagement in der Investitionsgüterindustrie treffsicher voranbringen - 2. Auflage Innovationsmanagement in der... Auflage 2012
VDMA 2012 391 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0623-8 With its intelligent production from Germany for the world, mechanical and plant engineering is at the center of this industrial renaissance. The latest...
49.00 EUR * Brutto
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