Datenbank und Auswertesystem Betriebsfestigkeit

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Datenbank und Auswertesystem Betriebsfestigkeit

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Datenbank und Auswertesystem Betriebsfestigkeit

FKM 2011
Issue number 313
Project no. 288

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Delivery as zip-file with report as PDF and database.

Final report

With this project, the data collection on fatigue strength, which was created and expanded in the research projects Fatigue Life Prediction I and Fatigue Life Prediction II, was adapted to the state of the art. The data collection was transferred to a relational database and its data scope was significantly expanded by adding new test results. Software developed as part of the project (front end) enables the test data to be searched, selected and analyzed using various statistical methods. Extensive software help is provided to the user.
With the help of the database, various systems of synthetic Wöhler lines were examined and evaluated with regard to their accuracy. It was shown that the estimation of the S-N curve according to the FKM guideline has a good accuracy compared to other methods and therefore a modification of the FKM guideline is not necessary at this point.
Various modifications of the Palmgren-Miner rule were examined for their accuracy in order to assess service life estimates. In addition, a proposal was developed for the FKM guideline to adapt the effective damage sum as a function of the service life multiple.
The objective of the research project has been achieved.

Scope of report:
69 p., 43 fig., 6 tab., 38 lit.
Start of work:
End of work:
Funding body:
BMWi / IGF-Nr. 15736 BG
Research units:
TU Dresden (IFKM), TU Clausthal (IMAB)
Directors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. K.-G. Eulitz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Esderts

Processors and authors:
Dipl.-Ing. F. Ellmer, Dipl.-Math. K. Hinkelmann

Chairman of the working group:
Dr.-Ing. C. Gerdes

Chairman of the FKM Board:
Dipl.-Ing. H. Linn, LINN HIGH THERM GmbH, Hirschbach

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