Verbessertes Berechnungskonzept FKM-Richtline

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Verbessertes Berechnungskonzept FKM-Richtline

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Verbessertes Berechnungskonzept FKM-Richtline

FKM 2010
Issue number 306
Project no. 282

Member price visible after registration
Final report

The investigations carried out to improve the calculation concept concern various chapters of the FKM Guideline Calculated Strength Verification for Machine Components: the static strength verification of non-welded and welded components, especially with regard to the tolerable strain depending on the material and the load assumptions, the fatigue strength verification with regard to the load assumptions, multi-axiality and design influences such as support effect, size influence and surface layer hardening.
Further investigations concern the safety concept, which is to be converted from the traditional overall safety factor to the more modern partial
safety factors for the static and fatigue strength verification. The work carried out is generally based on literature evaluations; only the determination of the tolerable material strains is based on specially conducted tests. Another important change is the redesign of the static strength verification of welded components, in which the detrimental softening of aluminum due to the heat input during welding is adequately taken into account.
The objective of the research project was achieved. Scope of report:
215 pages and 8 pages of appendices
Start of work:
End of work:
Funding body:
BMWi / AiF-No. 15361 BG 1-4
Research centers:
SWM Struktur- und Werkstoffmechanikforschung Dresden GmbH at the Technische Universität Dresden
Managing Directors:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Hanel, PD Dr.-Ing. habil. R. Franke Technical University of Darmstadt Department of Mechanics of Materials, Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Vormwald Clausthal University of Technology
Institute of Mechanical Plant Engineering and Structural Durability Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Esderts Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials Freiburg Prof. Dr. P. Gumbsch
Dr.-Ing. Hänel, Dr.-Ing. E. Kullig, Dresden Prof. M. Vormwald, Dipl.-Ing. C. Versch, Dipl.-Ing. O. Hertel, Darmstadt Prof. A. Esderts, Dipl.-Math. K. Hinkelmann, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Dr.-Ing. D. Siegele, Dr.-Ing. habil. J. Hohe, Freiburg
Chairman of the working group:
Dr.-Ing. M. Bacher-Höchst, Robert Bosch GmbH
Chairman of the FKM Board:
Dipl.-Ing. H. Linn, LINN HIGH THERM GmbH, Hirschbach

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