Direkte numerische Simulation verzweigender Innenströmungen Band 2 Experimentelle Untersuchung verzw

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Direkte numerische Simulation verzweigender Innenströmungen Band 2 Experimentelle Untersuchung verzw

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Direkte numerische Simulation verzweigender Innenströmungen Band 2 Experimentelle Untersuchung verzw
FKM 1996 Issue No. 215 Project No. 176
Final report

In branching internal flows, complex vortex systems with a strongly unsteady character arise in the branching region during current separation or merging. Using scanning particle image velocimetry (SPIV), this work provides the first three-dimensional, time-dependent velocity field in a branching pipe. In addition, the three-dimensional structure of the vortices was visualized and reconstructed using the light-section scanning method (volume scanning). The model geometry with a diameter ratio D/d = 2.35 and a branching angle of 900 was selected based on the previous qualitative investigations in research project AIF No. 6194. The investigations show that for the given diameter ratio, the formation, structure and dynamics of the vortex systems can be explained qualitatively and quantitatively in large areas as a function of the velocity ratio with those of cross-flow free jets. The topology of the occurring vortex structures remains the same even when the branching angle is changed, whereby the branching angle is only noticeable in the critical velocity ratio when the vortex modes change. The comparison of the measured time-dependent velocity fields with the results of the numerical simulation, as compared in Volume 1 of the final report, shows good qualitative and quantitative agreement, which underlines the significance of the investigations.

Scope of report:
99 pp., 5 photos, 56 illustrations, 24 references, appendix 17 pages

Start of work:

End of work:
30. 06. 1995

Funding body:
BMWi / AiF 9163
Research center:
Aerodynamic Institute of the RwrH Aachen

Univ.Prof. E. Krause, Ph. D. Dr. rer. nato W. Limberg
Editor and author:
Univ.-Prof. E. Krause, Ph. D. Dr.-lng. Ch. Brücker Dr. rer. nato W. Limberg

Chairman of the working group:
Dipl.-lng. H. Klotz, Motoren- und Turbinenunion GmbH, Friedrichshafen

Chairman of the advisory board:
Prof. Dr.-lng. H. Kipphan, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, Heidelberg

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