Erosions- und Schwingungsverhalten faserverstärkter rotierender Bauteile

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Erosions- und Schwingungsverhalten faserverstärkter rotierender Bauteile

139.10 EUR *
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Erosions- und Schwingungsverhalten faserverstärkter rotierender Bauteile
FKM 1995
Booklet No. 202
Project No. 161


Detailed FE calculations have shown that composite materials are particularly suitable for the construction of compressor blades and are capable of drastically reducing their weight. The described connection with the wedge base can transmit large forces in a small space and is therefore particularly suitable for substitution solutions. The blade presented offers sufficient safety reserves to increase the blade length. In this way, larger mass flows can be realized in the turbine. An erosion protection layer designed as a double-layer system increases the erosion resistance of a CFRP component by one to two orders of magnitude compared to that of an unprotected component. The double-layer system ensures sufficient erosion resistance over the entire angle range. The experimental results on laboratory samples correlate with the theoretical estimate of the behavior of the double-layer system. Alternatively applied, galvanically deposited nickel layers enable the use of the double-layer system even for geometrically complicated components. For a broad use of fiber composites in mechanical engineering, beyond the given application of a compressor blade, further work is required for the start of series production or transferability to other components. Scope of report:
67 p. incl. tables and images, 63 Lit Start of work:
01.11.1991 End of work:
31.05.1994 Funding body:
BMWi/AIF-Nr.428D Research institutions:
University of Kaiserslautern Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH Tel.: (0631) 2017-102, -302 Erwin Schrödinger Straße 67663 Kaiserslautern Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Merseburg Branch Merseburg Institute of Materials Science Tel.: (03461) 46-2777, -2760 Geusaer Straße 06217 Merseburg Responsible:
Prof. Dr.-lng. M. Maier in collaboration with Dipl.-lng. K.v. Diest and Dipl.-lng. C. Ehlers (Kaiserslautern) Prof. Dr. rer. nat habil. W. Grellmann with the assistance of Dipl.-Phys. R. Steiner Prof. Dr.-lng. habil. G. Leps with the assistance of Dr.-lng. J. Ding Prof. Dr.-lng. habil. em. W. Pfefferkorn with the collaboration of Dipl.-lng.l. Kotter and Dipl.-lng. E. Allert (Merseburg) Chairman of the project:
Dr. rer. nat. A. Demarmeis, ABB Baden Dättwil Chairman of the Advisory Board:
Prof. Dr.-lng. H. Kipphan Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Heidelberg ~

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