Global Service 2021
Global Service 2021

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Thema: Service
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Global Service 2021 | Erstellung Service-Strategie



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Global Service 2021 | Erstellung Service-Strategie

Creation of a service strategy with the help of the results of the "Global Service" study
Your benefit: Customer expectations in your export markets: Country by country. Service by service.

Basis: Global Service 2021 study
with 800 interviews in 8 countries
The results of the survey are available to VDMA members free of charge in a different form in the members' area of the website. You can order the results in 10 individually obtainable parts. Select above:

  • A guide to conducting the SWOT analysis using the study results. The detailed guide refers in its text to the results of the 2014 survey as an example, but also contains the trends and weightings of the current 2021 survey, so that these results can be used to develop your own strategic positioning (64 pages).
  • Comparison of the internal and external view (60 slides)
  • As well as individually orderable country reports for (around 80 slides each)
    • DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
    • France
    • Great Britain
    • India
    • USA
    • China
    • Brazil
    • Italy

In order to develop a service strategy, a competitive analysis is generally required. For the most important mechanical engineering markets, the VDMA has determined how the relevant service packages are weighted and evaluated by customers and how these expectations are met by mechanical engineering companies from different supplier markets. Together with the company's own assessment of the individual components, a strengths/weaknesses profile can be determined for all services and markets. These volumes offer guidance and a data basis for this.

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