Fracture Mechanics Proof of Strength for Engineering Components

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Fracture Mechanics Proof of Strength for Engineering Components

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Fracture Mechanics Proof of Strength for Engineering Components

FKM 2009, 3rd Edition
368 pages
Language: English
ISBN 3-8163-0496-6

The current german edition is 4th 2018 - the 3rd edition, however, has not been withdrawn.

For designers and calculation engineers in mechanical engineering and in related branches of industry, the FKM Guideline Analytical Strength Assessment of Components in Mechanical Engineering has been available since 1994. It arose, as did this Guideline, from co-operative work in the task group Component Strength under the support of the Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau FKM (Research Committee Mechanical Engineering) and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen AIF (Association of Industrial Research Unions) Otto-von-Guericke. The FKM Guideline Analytical Strength Assessment includes the static proof of strength and the fatigue proof of strength using classical methods of the strength concept. If defects, such as cracks, however, are detected by non-destructive testing in components during manufacture or operation, or if their appearance must be expected in an inspection interval, fracture mechanics methods have to be applied. This can be done using the FKM Guideline Fracture Mechanics Proof of Strength for Engineering Components . The fracture mechanics proof of strength of a component with a defect does not replace the conventional proof of strength of the component without defects [0-12] the two analyses must be regarded as complementary. In a fracture mechanics proof of strength , only the effects of defects on the mechanical safety and fitness-for-service of a construction are assessed. The current FKM guideline (called here just the Guideline ) was formulated on the basis of references [0-1 to 0-14] as well as secondary literature which is given in the individual chapters. Through compatibility with [0-1] and [0-2] the expected European standardization (CEN guideline on fitness-for-purpose) is largely taken into account. The Guideline is applicable in mechanical engineering and in related branches of industry, describes a fracture mechanics proof of strength under static and cyclic loading, provides a safety assessment with regard to crack initiation, stable crack extension, fracture or plastic collapse under static loading and to fatigue endurance and fatigue crack growth, delivers an assessment of acceptability with regard to defect size, magnitude of loading and fracture toughness, is valid for ferrous materials, cast iron and light metal alloys at temperatures below the respective creep temperature, is also applicable to components which are produced by welding, uses stresses obtained from elasticity solutions, elastic finite element or boundary element calculations or from measurement. There is an uniformly structured calculation scheme for all application cases. It can be carried out using different levels of conservatism. The calculation algorithms consist of instructions, formulae, tables and explanations. The contents of the Guideline with its comprehensive calculation options correspond to the latest state of the technology. The symbols used in the formulae reflect latest developments. For improved understanding the calculation scheme is demonstrated by examples. The practical execution of the fracture mechanics proof of strength should preferably be carried out by use of computer programs. The provision of a computer program is not an objective of the Guideline. After the publication of the first edition of the FKM guideline fracture mechanics proof of strength the authors, in co-operation with users, want to take into account in future editions improvements, extensions, corrections and experiences which may come up when dealing with the Guideline. All users are therefore particularly asked for comments. Furthermore, new examples of application will be taken with pleasure.

Contact addresses:
Prof. Dr. C. Berger, Dr. B. Pyttel Staatliche Materialprüfungsanstalt und Institut für Werkstoffkunde
TU Darmstadt Grafenstr. 2 64283 Darmstadt Dr. L. Hodulak, Dr. J.G. Blauel Fraunhofer Institut Werkstoffmechanik Wöhlerstr. 11 79108 Freiburg FKM Guideline Fracture mechanics proof of strength for engineering components 1st English edition 2004

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