Project Management

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Vertrag und Claim im Projektgeschäft Unternehmensführung Vertrag und Claim im Projektgeschäft Auflage 2018
RA Dr. Wolfgang Kühnel Podcast with slide track Running time 6:38 in 43 episodes Frankfurt/Main 2018 One episode as an example: Your browser does not yet recognize the HTML5 audio element. With this new product, VDMA-Verlag is taking into account the change in the usual reading and learning methods through electronic media and is translating the author's many years of...
90.00 EUR * Brutto
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Projekt-Management und Projekt-Controlling im Anlagen- und Systemgeschäft Unternehmensführung Projekt-Management und Projekt-Controlling im Anlagen- und... Auflage 2001
VDMA 2001 192 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0414-2 Authors: N. Hilpert, G. Rademacher, B. Sauter Despite the rapid development of tools, the organization of project management continues to fall short. The statements in this book are therefore both tried and tested and up-to-date. Compared to the last edition, typical changes in project...
81.30 EUR * Brutto
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Projektinformationen Online für den Service Unternehmensführung Projektinformationen Online für den Service Auflage 2005
VDMA 2005 198 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0499-9 The aim of the PROSERV joint project is to provide a generally applicable, flexible and integrated architectural approach to support the service, in which all required data and information is integrated and made easily accessible without redundancy. An integration platform for business data,...
59.99 EUR * Brutto
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ProMiS Projektmanagement für interdisziplinäre Systementwicklungen Unternehmensführung ProMiS Projektmanagement für interdisziplinäre Systementwicklungen Auflage 2005
VDMA 2005 224 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0503-3 The project is primarily aimed at project managers The aim of the ProMiS project was to provide companies that develop technical products in which software components play an increasingly important role alongside mechanical and electrical engineering components, The aim of the ProMiS project...
120.00 EUR * Brutto
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Commercial Project Management Unternehmensführung Commercial Project Management Auflage 2017
Success factors - tasks - organization Eds.: Hasso Reschke, Lorenz Schneider, Gregor Oleniczak The book presents a comprehensive canon of commercial project management tasks and was developed from practice for practice. The canon covers tasks ranging from project development, contracts and execution to special tasks such as insurance management. Another focus is on...
From 49.00 EUR * Brutto
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Vorlage Projekthandbuch Unternehmensführung Vorlage Projekthandbuch Auflage 2001
VDMA 2001 28 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0422-7 Purpose: The project manual template is a framework and guide for writing the project manual as an important document for project implementation and support of complete systems. The project manual is the central table of contents for the project. Contents: Description of the task to be...
From 28.63 EUR * Brutto
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Portfoliomanagement von Innovationsprojekten im deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Unternehmensführung Portfoliomanagement von Innovationsprojekten im deutschen Maschinen-... Auflage 2010
Theses: -The assessment of the companies surveyed according to the 6 performance measures derived from the objectives of the portfolio management of innovation projects enables a classification into the group profiles: High Performer, Average and Low Performer.- - The High Performer profile serves as a role model to emulate, as the group members have high value project...
50.00 EUR * Brutto
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