Process Management

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Effektivität und Effizienz von Prozessen Unternehmensführung Effektivität und Effizienz von Prozessen Auflage 2013
The guide to achieving strategic and financial corporate goals VDMA 2013 60 pages, member price visible after registration
45.00 EUR * Brutto
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Prozesse beschleunigen und gewinnorientiert steuern Unternehmensführung Prozesse beschleunigen und gewinnorientiert steuern Auflage 2006
VDMA 2006 80 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0448-7 Benefits: Many companies have noticed that their customers are demanding ever shorter delivery times. This results in the need to speed up internal processes in order to shorten lead times. The time factor is becoming increasingly important here. However, if the scope of work for the individual...
40.00 EUR * Brutto
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Prozessorientierte Managementsysteme Unternehmensführung Prozessorientierte Managementsysteme Auflage 2006
VDMA 2006 81 pages ISBN 978-3-8163-0518-7 Member price visible after registration Author: Dr. Frank Bünting Objective: The objective of this guide is to provide companies with assistance in converting, documenting and improving their management system. The suggested procedures, checklists and examples all originate from VDMA member companies or have been developed together...
30.00 EUR * Brutto
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Vom Messen von Prozessen zum Steuern von Unternehmen Unternehmensführung Vom Messen von Prozessen zum Steuern von Unternehmen Auflage 2013
2nd revised edition 2013 98 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0650-4 The basis of any effective management with key figures is knowledge of the company's own processes and their interaction. Based on this insight, the central working group - Quality & Management - in the VDMA has asked itself how the experience gained from process-oriented...
49.00 EUR * Brutto
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Qualitätsmanagement in der Lieferkette Unternehmensführung Qualitätsmanagement in der Lieferkette Auflage 2008
VDMA 2008 70 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0562-0 Author: Dr. Frank Bünting Increasing globalization on the one hand, the opening up of previously inaccessible or difficult to access markets on the other and the resulting pressure to reduce costs are motivating more and more manufacturing companies to increasingly procure abroad. Whereas...
45.00 EUR * Brutto
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Rechenbuch der Lebenszykluskosten Unternehmensführung Rechenbuch der Lebenszykluskosten Auflage 2011
VDMA 2011 80 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0617-7 The increasing importance of indirect costs has brought total cost considerations to the fore in purchasing decisions for capital goods. Many companies and industry associations have begun to look at life cycle-based models, such as total cost of ownership and life cycle costs, as part of their...
49.00 EUR * Brutto
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Integration von Managementsystemen Unternehmensführung Integration von Managementsystemen Auflage 2015
Reducing complexity through integration VDMA 2015 48 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN 978-3-8163-0685-6 This guide aims to show ways in which companies can reduce complexity by integrating their management systems. Today, companies have generally introduced a quality management system. However, they are now faced with far more extensive requirements, as...
45.00 EUR * Brutto
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