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- Author
- Thema: Informatik
- 4250697525776
- Edition
- 2021
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- EN-English
- DE-German
Leitfaden IEC 62443 für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau | PDF DE-German
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The primary aim of this guide is to make mechanical and plant engineering more secure - in terms of security. This means both the operating processes of the machine or plant manufacturer itself and the resilience of the products - i.e. machines, plants and their components - against cyber attacks and other IT-induced damage during operation. The focus here is on OT security (operational technology) and product security, not IT security in the sense of office IT.
1. Introduction
1.1. Industrial security
1.2. Special features of mechanical and plant engineering
1.3. Why a separate guide?
2Security standards
2.1. IEC 62443
2.1.1. General Concepts
2.1.2. Fundamental Concepts
2.2. Structure of the requirements in IEC 62443
2.2.1. Foundational Requirements
2.2.2. System requirements and requirement enhancements
3. The path through IEC 62443
3.1. Activities
3.2. Scope
3.3. Structure of a cyber security management system (CSMS)
3.4. Definition of the security level
3.5. A map of IEC 62443
3.5.1. Security requirements for the machine/system (IEC 62443-3-3)
3.5.2. Security requirements for operating processes (IEC 62443-2-1 or IEC 62443-2-4)
3.5.3. Security requirements for service providers (IEC 62443-2-4)
3.5.4. security requirements for products (IEC 62443-4-x)
4. model machine
4.1. implementation of IEC 62443-3-3
4.2. phase 1: zones
4.3. phase 2: communication
4.4. phase 3: authentication and authorization
4.5. phase 4: response and recovery
5. Summary and outlook
5.1. summary
5.2. outlook
5.2.1. security and safety
5.2.2. certifications
5.2.3. certificates/PKI support
5.2.4. use of secure protocols
5.2.5. further developments of the standard
5.2.6. machine-as-a-service & usage-related services
Appendix A. Indexes
A.1 List of tables
A.2 List of figures
Appendix B. Literature
B.1 IEC 62443
B.2 Further documents
Appendix C. Security infrastructure of the operator
Appendix D. Requirements from IEC 62443-3-3
Appendix E. Structure of IEC 62443-2-4
Appendix F. Accredited bodies (DAkkS) for IEC 62443
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