Information Technology

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Die Chipknappheit – Herausforderungen und Chancen für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau in Europa Informatik und Technik Die Chipknappheit – Herausforderungen und Chancen für den Maschinen-... Auflage 2023
VDMA 2023 VDMA member companies can download the study free of charge at: The shortage of microchips coupled with significant price increases in some cases has made the global economy aware of the dependence of supply chains on imports from overseas. This dependence is a risk for the German and European production location...
224.70 EUR * Brutto
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Bearing World Journal Informatik und Technik Bearing World Journal Auflage 2020
Purpose of the Bearing World Journal is to publish regularly scientific reports related to rolling and plain bearings. It will publish papers about fundamental research with keeping an eye on the industrial application. Access to the PDF-Versions is free (see below) printed versions can be ordered here. Editions 2016: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021060908550909955392 2017:...
101.65 EUR * Brutto
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Wertschöpfung aus Maschinendaten 4.0 - Die Praxisanleitung für den Mittelstand Informatik und Technik Wertschöpfung aus Maschinendaten 4.0 - Die Praxisanleitung für den... Auflage 2008
VDMA 2021 Download: Guide (PDF) and analysis tool (XLSX) 70 pages / 11 worksheets VDMA members free of charge at Guide Creating value from machine data 4.0 The practical guide for SMEs Application scenarios - analysis tool - fields of action Summary: The aim is to strengthen the value chain Machine operators, machine...
49.00 EUR * Brutto
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Leitfaden IEC 62443 für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Informatik und Technik Leitfaden IEC 62443 für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Auflage 2021
Free of charge for VDMA members The primary aim of this guide is to make mechanical and plant engineering more secure - in terms of security. This means both the operating processes of the machine or plant manufacturer itself and the resilience of the products - i.e. machines, plants and their components - against cyber attacks and other IT-induced damage during operation....
49.00 EUR * Brutto
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Leitfaden zur Baukastengestaltung Unternehmensführung Leitfaden zur Baukastengestaltung Auflage 2015
1 Introduction - Motivation - Objectives - Benefits 2 Deficits and requirements in the development of modular systems 2.1 Challenges in the development of modular systems in practice 2.2 Requirements for the modular system development process 3 Design of modular systems 3.1 Success factors for modular system design 3.2 Rough concept for designing modular system and value...
59.99 EUR * Brutto
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MEPROMA - Anforderungen und Methoden im mechatronischen Engineering Unternehmensführung MEPROMA - Anforderungen und Methoden im mechatronischen Engineering Auflage 2015
1 Introduction 1.1 Objectives and contents of the document 1.2 VDMA Software Quality Assurance Guidelines and System Specification Template 2 Elements of a healthy development process 2.1 Quality gate concept 2.1.1 Phases in the quality gate 2.1.2 Quality gate system 2.2 Mechatronic reference model 2.2.1 Explanations of the diagrams used 2.2.2 Product management 2.2.3...
48.00 EUR * Brutto
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App-Entwicklung für die Industrie Unternehmensführung App-Entwicklung für die Industrie Auflage 2014
Fundamentals and decision-making aids VDMA 2014 84 pages, member price visible after registration Order no. vf 179900 ISBN 978-3-8163-0670-2 Efficient machine software and the increasing exchange of data at the production level are shaping the intelligence of production systems, are the most important element in the vision of "Industry 4.0" and are thus increasingly...
59.99 EUR * Brutto
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Wege zum Digitalen Zwilling Unternehmensführung Wege zum Digitalen Zwilling Auflage 2018
Simulation and visualization in the product life cycle Application and benefit examples from mechanical and plant engineering VDMA 2018 60 pages, web service The product is continuously updated, you will be informed about new case studies, which you can read via the link once purchased. Member price visible after registration Mechanical and plant engineering companies are...
40.00 EUR * Brutto
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Herausforderungen und Potenziale des EU Data Acts Unternehmensführung Herausforderungen und Potenziale des EU Data Acts Auflage 2023
VDMA 2023 48 pages Order the print version for non-members here. VDMA member companies can download a free PDF in the member area: The EU Commission is in the process of establishing a data economy. This is expected to generate an additional gross domestic product of 270 billion euros by 2028. For a country like Germany...
From 212.93 EUR * Brutto
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Leitfaden zur Informationssicherheit Teil 2 - ISMS, Dokumente und Vorlagen Informatik und Technik Leitfaden zur Informationssicherheit Teil 2 - ISMS, Dokumente und... Auflage 2008
VDMA 2013 82 pages PDF download VDMA members: Free of charge Situation: The introduction of an information security management system, or ISMS for short, is often difficult for medium-sized companies to master. The demands placed in particular on IT or the person responsible for security tasks are immense. Where do you start, what must be implemented as a minimum and what...
50.00 EUR * Brutto
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Betriebliches Informationssystem für Maschinen und Anlagen FKM-Hefte Betriebliches Informationssystem für Maschinen und Anlagen Auflage 1995
FKM 1995 Booklet No. 206 Project No. 170 Abstract: Information on machines and systems is required in almost every area of a company. Nevertheless, machine data is either laboriously maintained by hand or stored in function-specific subsets in IT systems. In addition to redundancy, consistency and updating problems, this results in increased effort when evaluating the data,...
139.10 EUR * Brutto
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Nachhaltige Wärmebehandlungsprozesse systematisch entwickeln Unternehmensführung Nachhaltige Wärmebehandlungsprozesse systematisch entwickeln Auflage 2013
VDMA 2018 124 pages ISBN: 978-3-8163-0728-0 Final report EnerTHERM Publisher: PD Dr. Friedrich Raether Fraunhofer Center for High Temperature Lightweight Construction HTL Gottlieb-Keim-Straße 62 95448 Bayreuth Editor: Susanne Kuballa In the "Sustainable heating processes" project (short title: EnerTHERM), methods and materials were developed that...
50.00 EUR * Brutto
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