Product Information
- Author
- Seiring / Steinberger
- 9783816306887
- Edition
- 2016
- Delivery time
- next business day
45.00 EUR *
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A decision-making aid from a legal, insurance and operational perspective
VDMA 2016
6th revised edition
94 pages
Member price visible after registration
ISBN 978-3-8163-0688-7
To successfully manage the risk, it is first necessary to familiarize yourself with the legal situation. This brochure therefore provides an overview of German and US product liability law. In addition, operational measures and sensible insurance cover are essential components of risk management.
The period since the publication of the previous edition has necessitated a comprehensive revision of the content.
The new edition takes into account the changes and developments resulting from the modernization of the law of obligations in 2002, in particular in the area of installation and removal costs, the further development of product and producer liability through more recent case law and the far-reaching changes in product safety due to the Product Safety Act, which came into force in 2011. The brochure is primarily aimed at practitioners in companies, providing them with a quick and comprehensive insight into the issues associated with product liability in their day-to-day work
Christian Steinberger, Hans-Michael Kraus, Jürgen Seiring
- Product liability in the Federal Republic of Germany (Christian Steinberger)
Historical and social classification of product liability
Fundamentals of product liability in German law
The requirements for a claim in detail
German product liability law at a glance
- Product liability in the USA - facts and fables (Hans-Michael Kraus)
- Public and product liability insurance (Jürgen Seiring)
- Liability/recall cost insurance
- International insurance programs
- How is an international liability insurance program structured?
1 Product liability in the Federal Republic of Germany (Christian Steinberger)
1.1 Historical and social classification of product liability
1.2 Fundamentals of product liability in German law
1.3 The requirements for claims in detail
1.4 German product liability law at a glance
1.5 Appendix 1: Product Liability Act 45
1.6 Appendix 2:
VDMA 2016
6th revised edition
94 pages
Member price visible after registration
ISBN 978-3-8163-0688-7
To successfully manage the risk, it is first necessary to familiarize yourself with the legal situation. This brochure therefore provides an overview of German and US product liability law. In addition, operational measures and sensible insurance cover are essential components of risk management.
The period since the publication of the previous edition has necessitated a comprehensive revision of the content.
The new edition takes into account the changes and developments resulting from the modernization of the law of obligations in 2002, in particular in the area of installation and removal costs, the further development of product and producer liability through more recent case law and the far-reaching changes in product safety due to the Product Safety Act, which came into force in 2011. The brochure is primarily aimed at practitioners in companies, providing them with a quick and comprehensive insight into the issues associated with product liability in their day-to-day work
Christian Steinberger, Hans-Michael Kraus, Jürgen Seiring
- Product liability in the Federal Republic of Germany (Christian Steinberger)
Historical and social classification of product liability
Fundamentals of product liability in German law
The requirements for a claim in detail
German product liability law at a glance
- Product liability in the USA - facts and fables (Hans-Michael Kraus)
- Public and product liability insurance (Jürgen Seiring)
- Liability/recall cost insurance
- International insurance programs
- How is an international liability insurance program structured?
1 Product liability in the Federal Republic of Germany (Christian Steinberger)
1.1 Historical and social classification of product liability
1.2 Fundamentals of product liability in German law
1.3 The requirements for claims in detail
1.4 German product liability law at a glance
1.5 Appendix 1: Product Liability Act 45
1.6 Appendix 2:
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