Kybernetisches Mess- und Bewertungsmodell der Unternehmens-IT in KMU des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus

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Kybernetisches Mess- und Bewertungsmodell der Unternehmens-IT in KMU des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus

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Kybernetisches Mess- und Bewertungsmodell der Unternehmens-IT in KMU des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus

VDMA 2014
217 pages

ISBN 978-8163-0671-9
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and problem definition
1.2 Objectives of the work and research questions
1.3 Scientific-theoretical classification
1.4 Methodological approach and structure of the work
2 Business cybernetic frame of reference
2.1 Justification of the solution approach
2.2 Models as a representation of socio-economic systems
2.3 Definition of terms
2.4 Summary
3 Development of requirements for a measurement and evaluation model to determine the value contribution of IT in SMEs in mechanical and plant engineering
3.2 Requirements from the perspective of IT
3.3 Requirements from the perspective of mechanical and plant engineering
3.4 Requirements from the perspective of SMEs
3.5 Merging the requirements of the different perspectives
4 State of research
4. 1 Introduction
4.2 Existing measurement and evaluation models
4.3 Process models
4.4 Interim conclusion
5 Development of a cybernetic measurement and evaluation model of corporate IT for SMEs in mechanical and plant engineering
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Development procedure
5.3 Specification of the objective and purpose of the evaluation
5.4 Specification of the elements of the cybernetic measurement and assessment model
5.5 Development of a factual model of mechanical and plant engineering based on a process reference model
5.6 Identification of core tasks as assessment objects
5.7 Identification of indicators
5.8 Description of a cybernetic measurement and evaluation model
5.9 Instructions for application in mechanical and plant engineering
5.10 Summary
6 Review of the cybernetic measurement and evaluation model with regard to the requirements
6.1 Introduction
6.3 Empirical-inductive validation
6.4 Summary
7 Discussion of the work
7.1 Answering the research questions
7.2 Transferability
7.3 Need for further research
8 Summary
9 Bibliography
List of figures
List of tables
List of abbreviations

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