Integration von Managementsystemen

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Frank Bünting
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Integration von Managementsystemen

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Integration von Managementsystemen

Reducing complexity through integration
VDMA 2015
48 pages

Member price visible after registration
ISBN 978-3-8163-0685-6

This guide aims to show ways in which companies can reduce complexity by integrating their management systems.
Today, companies have generally introduced a quality management system. However, they are now faced with far more extensive requirements, as more and more norms and standards - such as
in the areas of the environment, occupational health and safety or energy - are gaining in importance. This development is being driven by customers, but also by society and politics. Examples of this are the industry-specific
standards of the automotive or aviation industry, tax relief through proof of an appropriate energy management system or social expectations regarding air pollution control,
noise and water protection.
This guide provides readers with texts, graphics, examples and an Excel tool to help them integrate different subject areas into their management system.

Editor: Dr. Frank Bünting

1. Foreword
2. Introduction
3. Conflict between business processes and management systems
3.1. What is integration
3.2. Definition of an integrated management system
3.3. Advantages of integration
3.4. Integration approach from a standards perspective
3.5. Growing number of management system standards
4. Selection of management system standards to be considered
4.1. Decision criteria for selection
4.1.1 Revenue/profit potential in relation to effort
4.1.2 Effort estimates (examples)
4.2 Decision criteria against the integration of new requirements into the existing system
5. Practical implementation of integration
5.1. Prerequisites for integration
5.2. Roles for integration
5.3. Generic process model - rough steps, interaction of roles
5.4. Identification of the relevant requirements from the management system standards
5.5. Evaluation criteria for successful integration
6. Auditing of integrated management systems
6.1. Auditing basics
6.2. Experience with integrated audits
6.3. Solution approaches
6.4. Internal audits of integrated management systems
6.5. external auditing of integrated management systems
7. appendix
7.1. instructions for using the Excel tool
7.1.1. structure of the requirements profile with process assignment
8. bibliography
9. link to the Excel tool

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