Sichere Befestigung von Kernbohrgeräten

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Sichere Befestigung von Kernbohrgeräten

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Sichere Befestigung von Kernbohrgeräten

VDMA 2017 - 20 pages

For the safe operation of machinery and equipment on construction sites, the operator of a machine must comply with the applicable statutory regulations and the manufacturer's operating instructions. Compliance with all relevant safety regulations is the responsibility of the contractor carrying out the work.
When using machines on construction sites, the contractor carrying out the work must not only observe all relevant occupational health and safety, accident prevention and other safety regulations (laws, regulations, operating instructions, etc.) that relate
- to the operation of the machine itself,
but also those that relate
- to the use of the machine in the construction site environment, e.g.
- Type and quality of the substrate
- Type and quality of the material to be cut
- State of wear of the drill bit
- Training level and experience of the operating personnel
- Environmental conditions on the construction site (outdoors / indoors, lighting conditions, humidity, weather conditions)
The manufacturer provides instructions in the operating instructions for the intended use and thus for the safe handling of the machine, but also for foreseeable misuse.
When using core drilling equipment, particular attention must be paid to the secure fastening of the machine in the substrate. To ensure this
, the influencing variables on the construction site must also be taken into account, which are significant for operational safety, but are difficult to predict and quantify in terms of scope and severity. There is an interface here between the manufacturer and the contractor that requires the precise definition and separation of areas of responsibility.
This information sheet is therefore intended to provide the contractor with all the essential information that the manufacturer can contribute to the safe operation of a core drilling rig on the construction site over and above the operating instructions.

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