Nachhaltige Wärmebehandlungsprozesse systematisch entwickeln

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Nachhaltige Wärmebehandlungsprozesse systematisch entwickeln

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Nachhaltige Wärmebehandlungsprozesse systematisch entwickeln

VDMA 2018
124 pages

ISBN: 978-3-8163-0728-0

Final report EnerTHERM

PD Dr. Friedrich Raether
Fraunhofer Center for High Temperature Lightweight Construction HTL
Gottlieb-Keim-Straße 62
95448 Bayreuth
Susanne Kuballa

In the "Sustainable heating processes" project (short title: EnerTHERM), methods and materials were developed that contribute to improving the sustainability of heating processes. The project was divided into six technical sub-projects, each led by its own project manager.
With the thermo-optical measuring systems (TOM) already available at the start of the project and the new ones set up in sub-projects 1 and 3, almost all important high-temperature properties of materials can be measured - and with sample volumes that are also representative of heterogeneous materials such as refractories. All technically relevant process atmospheres can be realized in the different systems. In sub-project 2, a mobile furnace measuring stand was developed with which industrial furnaces can be measured during operation. The measurement data from the TOM systems and the mobile furnace measuring stand serve as input for computer simulation methods, which were developed in subproject 4. The multi-scale models are a component of a system developed at the HTL for ICME (Integrated Computational Materials Engineering)4 . ICME can be used to develop products and processes faster and in a more targeted manner than with conventional methods. As part of the EnerTHERM project, the models were validated for different heat treatments and high-temperature materials. In sub-project 5, new high-temperature materials were developed: lightweight and energy-efficient kiln furniture, high-temperature insulation produced by direct foaming and corrosion-resistant coatings. In sub-project 6, high-temperature resistant joints were developed and demonstrators were set up to show that complex high-temperature systems can be produced from simple semi-finished products.

Introduction 5
Characterization of high-temperature materials 8
Characterization of industrial thermal processing systems 26
Optimization of heat treatment processes 41
Improvement of thermal processing systems 62
High-temperature lightweight materials 82
Joining technologies 96
Outlook 114
Appendix 1 116
Publications 116
Appendix 2 120
Project structure 120

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