Product Information
- Author
- Hans Fischer
- 9783816305965
- Edition
- 2010
- Delivery time
- next business day
Profitables After-Sales-Business für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen
29.80 EUR *
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Profitables After-Sales-Business für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen
Author: Hans Fischer
Driving business forward with product innovations is one thing. However, building up a competent sales organization, especially for the lucrative after-sales business, is essential for stable profit growth.
The cornerstone of this business is coherent communication with regard to values, future scenarios and market activities, the consistent customer orientation of all employees and the way in which complaints are handled, right through to the appreciation that the customer experiences in day-to-day business.
- Long-term customer relationships instead of one-off transactions, goal: customer loyalty
- How to build customer loyalty?
- Customer loyalty strategy - How to build customer loyalty? Customer loyalty strategy
- How do you survive with a product that your competitors also have?
- What is the situation in most markets?
- Opportunities and benefits of the after-sales business
- Possible applications
- The benefits for the supplier
- Optimize the service quality of your company
- What actually is service?
- Use these 9 points to measure your service quality
- How to retain your customers even more intensively!
- How do customer losses occur? How do customer losses occur?
- Minimize customer losses
- What does the customer value in communication with the supplier?
- The power of empathy
- How to communicate even unpleasant messages.
- Customer loyalty through professional complaint handling
- The right way to deal with customers with complaints
- How can the supplier learn from customers with complaints?
- The importance of technical service
- The modern service organization
- The communicative competence of service employees
- The back office as an important factor in the post-sales business
- Make your back office (customer service) more effective and sales-oriented.
- The telephone culture must be right
- A prerequisite for customer loyalty: The inner order
- The next customer
- Cooperation between back office and field service must become more harmonious
- Sound knowledge about customers: The key to the after-sales business!
- Knowledge is power!
- How does the supplier use the knowledge he has gathered about his customers?
- Internal communication must be right
- The importance of company culture
- The path to functioning internal communication
- The role of the modern salesperson in the after-sales business
- The two most frequently practiced models
Driving business forward with product innovations is one thing. However, building up a competent sales organization, especially for the lucrative after-sales business, is essential for stable profit growth.
The cornerstone of this business is coherent communication with regard to values, future scenarios and market activities, the consistent customer orientation of all employees and the way in which complaints are handled, right through to the appreciation that the customer experiences in day-to-day business.
- Long-term customer relationships instead of one-off transactions, goal: customer loyalty
- How to build customer loyalty?
- Customer loyalty strategy - How to build customer loyalty? Customer loyalty strategy
- How do you survive with a product that your competitors also have?
- What is the situation in most markets?
- Opportunities and benefits of the after-sales business
- Possible applications
- The benefits for the supplier
- Optimize the service quality of your company
- What actually is service?
- Use these 9 points to measure your service quality
- How to retain your customers even more intensively!
- How do customer losses occur? How do customer losses occur?
- Minimize customer losses
- What does the customer value in communication with the supplier?
- The power of empathy
- How to communicate even unpleasant messages.
- Customer loyalty through professional complaint handling
- The right way to deal with customers with complaints
- How can the supplier learn from customers with complaints?
- The importance of technical service
- The modern service organization
- The communicative competence of service employees
- The back office as an important factor in the post-sales business
- Make your back office (customer service) more effective and sales-oriented.
- The telephone culture must be right
- A prerequisite for customer loyalty: The inner order
- The next customer
- Cooperation between back office and field service must become more harmonious
- Sound knowledge about customers: The key to the after-sales business!
- Knowledge is power!
- How does the supplier use the knowledge he has gathered about his customers?
- Internal communication must be right
- The importance of company culture
- The path to functioning internal communication
- The role of the modern salesperson in the after-sales business
- The two most frequently practiced models
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