Product Information
- Author
- Business Advisory
- 9783816305712
- Edition
- 2009
- 978-3-8163-0571-2
- Umfang
- 120 Seiten
- Delivery time
- next business day
Preisbildung für Sach- und Dienstleistungsbündel
50.00 EUR *
Gesamtpreis: 50.00 EUR *
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46.73 EUR excl. VAT
Preisbildung für Sach- und Dienstleistungsbündel
VDMA 2009
120 pages
ISBN 978-3-8163-0571-2
All too often, services are given away for free when sold together with benefits in kind, or their earnings potential is insufficiently exploited. The SmartWert research project addressed this challenge. This guide summarizes the results of the project. The aim of SmartWert was to support companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector with innovative concepts and procedures to configure and adequately price promising bundles of goods and services. To this end, a process model including suitable methods and tools was developed and tested for its practical applicability in selected case studies in a consortium of companies from the mechanical and plant engineering and commercial vehicle industries.
120 pages
ISBN 978-3-8163-0571-2
All too often, services are given away for free when sold together with benefits in kind, or their earnings potential is insufficiently exploited. The SmartWert research project addressed this challenge. This guide summarizes the results of the project. The aim of SmartWert was to support companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector with innovative concepts and procedures to configure and adequately price promising bundles of goods and services. To this end, a process model including suitable methods and tools was developed and tested for its practical applicability in selected case studies in a consortium of companies from the mechanical and plant engineering and commercial vehicle industries.
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