Qualitätsmanagement in der Lieferkette

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Frank Bünting
70 Seiten
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Qualitätsmanagement in der Lieferkette

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Qualitätsmanagement in der Lieferkette

VDMA 2008
70 pages

Member price visible after registration
ISBN 978-3-8163-0562-0

Dr. Frank Bünting

Increasing globalization on the one hand, the opening up of previously inaccessible or difficult to access markets on the other and the resulting pressure to reduce costs are motivating more and more manufacturing companies to increasingly procure abroad. Whereas previously only raw materials, semi-finished products and simple individual parts or mass-produced parts were included in the shopping baskets of planners, individual parts of increasing complexity or more extensive assemblies are now also being requested. As a rule, the selection, qualification and support of suppliers is not only carried out by purchasing staff, but also by experts from development/design, in-house production and quality assurance in the run-up to planned procurements. The focus here is on a partnership-based and long-term cooperation with the supplier.

Phase model Phase contents
- Phase 1: Clarify procurement requirements (what)
- Phase 2: Search for and select suppliers (who)
- Phase 3: Agree on measures for product realization
- Phase 4: Ensure delivery reliability
- Phase 5: Search for improvement potential
- Phase 6: Substitution Special feature of international procurement
- Example: Procurement of standard parts in China (Carl Zeiss AG)
- Example: Tips for procurement in India (VDMA) Best practice examples
- Supplier evaluation and development using the Preferred Supplier Base (PSB) system at Heidelberg
- Information on delivery performance to the supplier of Zeiss

- Checklist 1: Supplier classification and initial evaluation
- Checklist 2: Quality assurance agreement
- Checklist 3: Deviation approval for supplier products
- Checklist 4: Construction deviation request
- Checklist 5: Supplier evaluation and development
- Checklist 6: Supplier self-assessment
- Checklist 7: Feasibility assessment
- Checklist 8: Inspection characteristics
- Checklist 9: Specification machinery equipment
- Checklist 10: Complete documents
- Checklist 11: Target agreement for continuous improvement
- Checklist 12: Supplier target profile
- Checklist 13: Risk checklist
- Checklist 14: Milestone checklist
- Checklist 15: Process approval
- Checklist 16: Inspection plan

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