Übersetzungsmanagement in der Technischen Dokumentation

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Übersetzungsmanagement in der Technischen Dokumentation | PRINT



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Übersetzungsmanagement in der Technischen Dokumentation | PRINT
VDMA 2007
66 pages (incl. CD)

Member price visible after registration
ISBN 978-3-8163-0543-9
This guide is intended as a decision-making aid for companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector when introducing translation management in technical documentation. It describes the necessary requirements for a high-quality translation and considers various perspectives to ensure that the creation of the required language versions remains cost-effective in the future. The preparation of the source information with regard to structuring and reusability and the terminology to be used consistently are the basis for cost-effective and high-quality translation. This guide also addresses the standards to be taken into account, aspects for saving time and reducing costs through agreements, as well as organizational rules and specifications in the various process steps. In addition to the technical possibilities, including distributed work via the Internet, the economic considerations are also presented so that the costs and benefits can be objectively weighed up in advance of the introduction of translation management. The appendices contain explanations of terms and abbreviations, some examples provided by companies and further explanations of standards published in this field. This guide is aimed at company management and those responsible for documentation, IT, organization, customer service and sales who make strategic decisions about the direction of their company.

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