Statistical yearbook for mechanical engineering | Statistisches Handbuch für den Maschinenbau 2024 print





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Statistical yearbook for mechanical engineering | Statistisches Handbuch für den Maschinenbau 2024 print

272 pages

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Data on the manufacturing industry and mechanical engineering as a whole, including tables and charts, data on production, employment, exports and imports in the mechanical engineering sector, broken down into 37 branches, as well as international overviews of prices, costs, wages, production, exports, turnover, companies and employees, industry structure data and supply links.

1. Manufacturing and mechanical engineering in Germany
1.1 Development in manufacturing and mechanical engineering in Germany (incl. medium-term forecast)
1.2 Employees and turnover by economic group in Germany
1.3 Employees and turnover for selected economic groups by federal state
1.4 Regional data for the German mechanical engineering sector
1.5 Production index in the manufacturing sector in Germany
1.6 German foreign trade by goods division
1.7 Gross fixed capital formation in the manufacturing sector in Germany
1.8 Expenditure on research and development in Germany
1.9 Key data for the mechanical engineering sector in Germany
1.10 Order intake and order backlog in mechanical engineering in Germany
1.11 Employees, production, exports and imports by mechanical engineering sector in Germany
1.12 Capacity utilization in German mechanical engineering
1.13 Investment ratios of selected mechanical engineering sectors in Germany
1.14 Company concentration in German mechanical engineering
1.15 German foreign trade in machinery with selected countries
1.16 German machinery exports by sector and country group
1.17 German machinery imports by sector and selected countries of origin
1.18 Ranking of countries of destination of German machinery exports
1.20 Direct investment in German machinery abroad by country
1.20 German direct investment in foreign mechanical engineering
1.21 Foreign direct investment in German mechanical engineering by country
1.22 Direct investment by German mechanical engineering in foreign economic sectors
1.23 Investment in foreign mechanical engineering by economic sector of German investors
1.24 Price indices for mechanical engineering
1.25 Producer price indices for selected industrial products in Germany
1.26 Companies, turnover and employees in the German mechanical engineering sector by sector
1.27 Size class breakdown in the German mechanical engineering sector
1.28 Balance sheet and income statement of the German mechanical engineering sector
1.29 Supplier and customer structure of the German mechanical engineering sector
1.30 Cost structure in the German mechanical engineering sector by sector
1.31 Cost structure in the German mechanical engineering sector by size class
1.32 Investments in environmental protection in Germany
1.33 Age structure of the workforce in the German mechanical engineering sector
1.34 Average working hours and gross earnings of employees in the German mechanical engineering sector
1.35 Gross monthly earnings of employees in the German mechanical engineering sector
2. Branches of German mechanical engineering
2.1 Machine tools and manufacturing systems
2.2 Metallurgical and rolling mill equipment
2.3 Thermal process and waste technology
2.4 Foundry machinery
2.5 Testing machines
2.6 Woodworking machinery
2.7 Precision tools
2.8 Welding and compressed gas technology
2.9 General air technology
2.10 Power systems
2.11 Pumps + systems
2.12 Compressors, compressed air and vacuum technology
2.13 Construction and building materials machinery
2.14 Plastics and rubber machinery
2.15 Mining machinery
2.16 Agricultural machinery
2.18 Food processing and packaging machinery
2.20 Process engineering machinery and equipment
2.20 Safety systems
2.21 Scales
2.22 Conveyor technology
2.23 Printing and paper technology
2.25 Textile machinery
2.26 Clothing and leather technology
2.29 Firefighting technology
2.31 Valves and fittings
2.33 Lifts and escalators
2.34 Drive technology
2.35 Motors and systems
2.36 Fluid technology
2.37 Robotics + automation
2.38 Productronics
3. International overviews
3.1 EURO mid-market rates of selected currencies
3.2 Price index for mechanical engineering in selected countries
3.3 Production index for mechanical engineering in selected countries
3.4 Turnover in mechanical engineering in selected countries
3.5 Shares of selected countries in machinery exports of the most important supplier countries
3.6 Machinery exports of the most important supplier countries by sector
3.7 Machinery exports of the most important supplier countries by sales markets
3.8 Ranking of the most important machinery supplier countries by sector
3.9 Industry structure of mechanical engineering in China
3.10 Industry structure of mechanical engineering in Japan
3.11 Industry structure of mechanical engineering in the USA
3.12 Industry structure of mechanical engineering in Italy
3.13 Industry structure of mechanical engineering in the United Kingdom
3.14 Industry structure of mechanical engineering in Brazil
3.15 Industry structure of mechanical engineering in Spain
3.16 Industry structure of the mechanical engineering sector in Sweden
3.17 Industry structure of the mechanical engineering sector in Austria
3.18 Industry structure of the mechanical engineering sector in Canada
3.20 Industry structure of the mechanical engineering sector in Denmark
3.20 Industry structure of the mechanical engineering sector in Finland
3.21 Industry structure of the mechanical engineering sector in Poland
3.22 Industry structure of the mechanical engineering sector in Hungary
3.23 Industry structure of the mechanical engineering sector in Mexico
3.24 Industry structure of mechanical engineering in Portugal

-Employees and turnover by economic group in Germany
-Employees and turnover in German mechanical engineering
-Order intake in German mechanical engineering
-Capacity utilization in German mechanical engineering
-Company size classes in German mechanical engineering
-German machinery production by sector
-Real turnover development in sectors of German mechanical engineering
-Shares of selected countries in machinery exports of the most important supplier countries

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