Product Information
- Author
- Thema: Informatik
- 9783816305750
- Edition
- 2009
- Delivery time
- next business day
Leitfaden zur Informationssicherheit / Teil 1: Sensibilisierung
Prices incl. VAT
41.12 EUR excl. VAT
VDMA 2009
Member price visible after registration
ISBN 978-3-8163-0575-0
Knowledge and information form a significant part of a company's intangible assets. These assets are particularly important for the survival of companies in high-wage countries. Information security is therefore one of the greatest current challenges for companies in a global market. Any organization, regardless of its size and the products it offers, can be the target of attacks from outside and inside. The VDMA has set itself the task of helping its member companies to protect their know-how against such attacks. For this reason, the VDMA Information Security Working Group is developing a comprehensive framework on the topic of information security.
An important component of this framework is raising employee awareness. And it is precisely this sensitization that this guide focuses on. On the one hand, it is intended to provide IT managers with suggestions on how they can implement awareness-raising measures in practice. On the other hand, the guide is intended to convince decision-makers in the company of the importance of such measures. Only if the management is aware of the importance of functioning information security and wants to promote this in a continuous process can awareness-raising measures be implemented sensibly and successfully.
The guide serves as an advisor; it contains very specific suggestions for the approach and practical implementation. The aim is not to reinvent the wheel, the approach is rather: from practice for practice. The key point here is the description of a multi-stage phase model. The successful models and measures already used by VDMA members provide an excellent basis for our own solutions. Description of a multi-stage phase model for achieving awareness of security issues in the company.
Informatik, Information Security Working Group
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