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Gehälter im Maschinenbau - VDMA Gehaltsstudie 2023 - 2024 Unternehmensführung Gehälter im Maschinenbau - VDMA Gehaltsstudie 2023 - 2024 Auflage 2024
VDMA 2024 346 pages as a book including download link Member price visible after registration / creation of customer account in the store Participants in the study will receive the book unsolicited. You can download the catalog of positions, an exemplary evaluation and the compliance principles as a reader PDF on the left or browse through them here. Overview 292 companies...
2,675.00 EUR * Brutto
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Statistical yearbook for mechanical engineering Unternehmensführung Statistical yearbook for mechanical engineering Auflage 2024
272 pages Member price visible after registration Data on the manufacturing industry and mechanical engineering as a whole, including tables and charts, data on production, employment, exports and imports in the mechanical engineering sector, broken down into 37 branches, as well as international overviews of prices, costs, wages, production, exports, turnover, companies and...
From 66.00 EUR * Brutto
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Material Compliance Unternehmensführung Material Compliance Auflage 2023
A special price of EUR 51.75 incl. VAT applies for VDMA members. A VDMA practical guide for mechanical and plant engineering This guide is intended to help you establish the topic of MC as part of product-related environmental protection in your company. What can you expect from this guide? A fairly quick introduction to and overview of current minimum legal requirements for...
83.46 EUR * Brutto
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Bearing World Journal - Volume 1 - December 2016 Unternehmensführung Bearing World Journal - Volume 1 - December 2016 Auflage 2016
Proceedings of the 1st Bearing World Conference 12-13 April 2016, Hanover/Germany FVA 2016, 138 pages ISBN 978-3-8163-0705-1 Contents: Noise elimination for vibration-based rolling bearing fault diagnosis Merdane H., ORS Bearings Inc. (TR) CFD-based analysis of thermal shear localization in EHL films Feldermann A., RWTH Aachen University (DE) An experimental approach on slip...
85.60 EUR * Brutto
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Internationale Arbeitnehmerentsendungen - Arbeitseinsatz in England Unternehmensführung Internationale Arbeitnehmerentsendungen - Arbeitseinsatz in England Auflage 2002
VDMA 2002 28 pages Member price visible after registration ISBN: 978-3-8163-0433-3 Benefits: In the series International Posting of Workers, the VDMA provides basic information on labor law, tax law and social law from proven experts. A separate chapter is dedicated to visa regulations. As a rule, companies send their most committed employees abroad. Careful support is...
35.00 EUR * Brutto
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PRIME MOVERS Unternehmensführung PRIME MOVERS Auflage 2011
English edition of MOTORENMENSCHEN: Focus on current research on engines and turbines. VDMA-Verlag, 2016 200 pages clothbound in slipcase ISBN 978-3-8163-0692-4 Author: Johannes Winterhagen and Dr. Laurin Paschek. Published by: Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e.V. Frankfurt am Main The new book "MOTORENMENSCHEN - Schwerpunkte aktueller Forschung an Motoren...
39.90 EUR * Brutto
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Handbuch für den nachhaltigen Verkaufserfolg Unternehmensführung Handbuch für den nachhaltigen Verkaufserfolg Auflage 2008
Author: Hans Fischer Who should read this book? Entrepreneurs and sales managers, so that they know how to set up, develop and manage their sales team even more effectively. Especially in difficult economic times and under strong competitive pressure. The sales professional, so that he can optimize one or two subtleties of his sales technique. And so that they can regain...
From 24.00 EUR * Brutto
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Sichere Befestigung von Kernbohrgeräten Unternehmensführung Sichere Befestigung von Kernbohrgeräten Auflage 2017
VDMA 2017 - 20 pages For the safe operation of machinery and equipment on construction sites, the operator of a machine must comply with the applicable statutory regulations and the manufacturer's operating instructions. Compliance with all relevant safety regulations is the responsibility of the contractor carrying out the work. When using machines on construction sites,...
3.64 EUR * Brutto
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Mit Leidenschaft führen Unternehmensführung Mit Leidenschaft führen Auflage 2015
Ways and ideas to maximize business VDMA 2015 102 pages, 49 euros 978-3-8163-0672-6 Author: Bernd Michael Stütz This is a book about the practice of SMEs and a book for practitioners. What is it about? It's not about "How to become a good manager". It is first and foremost about people! It's about the will to win, about creativity, about knowledge, ability, will, about...
49.00 EUR * Brutto
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Leitfaden zur Baukastengestaltung Unternehmensführung Leitfaden zur Baukastengestaltung Auflage 2015
1 Introduction - Motivation - Objectives - Benefits 2 Deficits and requirements in the development of modular systems 2.1 Challenges in the development of modular systems in practice 2.2 Requirements for the modular system development process 3 Design of modular systems 3.1 Success factors for modular system design 3.2 Rough concept for designing modular system and value...
59.99 EUR * Brutto
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MEPROMA - Anforderungen und Methoden im mechatronischen Engineering Unternehmensführung MEPROMA - Anforderungen und Methoden im mechatronischen Engineering Auflage 2015
1 Introduction 1.1 Objectives and contents of the document 1.2 VDMA Software Quality Assurance Guidelines and System Specification Template 2 Elements of a healthy development process 2.1 Quality gate concept 2.1.1 Phases in the quality gate 2.1.2 Quality gate system 2.2 Mechatronic reference model 2.2.1 Explanations of the diagrams used 2.2.2 Product management 2.2.3...
48.00 EUR * Brutto
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App-Entwicklung für die Industrie Unternehmensführung App-Entwicklung für die Industrie Auflage 2014
Fundamentals and decision-making aids VDMA 2014 84 pages, member price visible after registration Order no. vf 179900 ISBN 978-3-8163-0670-2 Efficient machine software and the increasing exchange of data at the production level are shaping the intelligence of production systems, are the most important element in the vision of "Industry 4.0" and are thus increasingly...
59.99 EUR * Brutto
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