Product Information
- Author
- Herausgeber EHEDG
- 4250697514298
- Edition
- 2014
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- Verfügbare Sprachen:
- EN-English
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Doc. 18 Passivation of stainless steel - english version | EN-English
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Seiten / pages: 11
Passivation is an important surface treatment that helps assure the successful corrosion resistant performance of stainless steel used for product contact surfaces (eg. tubing/piping, tanks and machined parts used in pumps, valves, homogenizers, de-aerators, process monitoring instruments, blenders, dryers, conveyors, etc). The purpose of this document is to provide manufacturers, users and regulatory personnel with basic information and guidelines relative to equipment passivation. The complete passivation process is described and environmental, as well as safety, concerns are discussed.
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