Doc. 47 Guidelines on Air Handling Systems in the Food Industry - Air Quality Control f. Buidlings


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  • Doc. 47 Guidelines on Air Handling Systems in the Food Industry - Air Quality Control f. Buidlings | EN-Englisch



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    Doc. 47 Guidelines on Air Handling Systems in the Food Industry - Air Quality Control f. Buidlings | EN-Englisch
    EHEDG 2016
    Seiten /pages: 55

    The responsibility for the quality of air within factory buildings is under the control of the manufacturers of food products. Room air of a specified quality (temperature, humidity and particle concentration) and quantity (outdoor air volume) is required for the comfort and safety of employees. It may be necessary to impose additional controls on environmental air quality to reduce the possibility of contamination and/or to maintain work place safety for the manufacture of some products.

    The “Guidelines on air handling systems in the food industry - air quality control for building ventilation” have a focus on air handling systems installed for food factory building ventilation and its air quality control. Supply systems for process air, compressed air and exhaust air systems such as grease filter systems or dust removal units are excluded from the scope of this document.

    These guidelines are intended to assist food producers in the design, selection, installation, and operation of air handling systems to meet the air quality and hygienic requirements of the food manufacturing process. Information is provided on the role of air systems in achieving and maintaining microbiological standards in food products. The guidelines cover the choice of systems, air filtration types, system concepts, construction, maintenance, sanitation, testing, commissioning, validation and system monitoring.

    This document was originally planned as revision of the former EHEDG Doc. 30 “Guidelines on the air handling in the food industry”. As the title, scope and content of this document was significantly changed compared to the original document – in fact a complete new document was written – it was decided to withdraw Doc. 30 and to publish this revised document as a new EHEDG Guideline with a different guideline number.

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