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Doc. 39. Design principles for equipment and process areas for aseptic food manufacturing | EN-Englisch
inkl. 7% MwSt.
100,00 EUR exkl. MwSt
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Seiten / pages: 14
In many areas there is an increasing demand for self stable products. However, microbial product contamination limits the shelf life of sensitive products which are not protected by any preservatives or stablised by their formulation. Products which fail this inherent protection have to be sterilised and in consequence, the equipment must be cleanable and sterilisable. Micro-organisms which are protected by product residues or biofilms are very difficult or impossible to inactivate and the same applies to process areas if resulting in a recontamination risk. This guideline is intended to describe the basic demands for equipment and process areas for aseptic food manufacturing.
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