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Doc. 28. Safe and Hygienic Water Treatment in Food Factories | EN-Englisch
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EHEDG 2018
2nd edition
52 pages
Since water treatments can be directly or indirectly part of the production process, this treatment should render the water microbiologically and toxicologically safe. Likewise, systems for storing and distributing water can involve hazards, which could cause water quality to fall below acceptable standards. It is therefore vital that water storage and distribution in a food manufacturing operation takes place in a controlled, safe way.
Also, there are many locations on food industry sites, where the potential for the proliferation of Legionella spp in water systems exists. These bacteria can give rise to a potentially fatal disease in humans, which is identified as Legionellosis or as Legionnaires’ disease.
This Guideline is meant to provide guidance on hygienic and safety related issues concerning water management (sourcing, storage and distribution) and provides recommended practices for two water categories used in the food industry: product water, and utility water. Furthermore, it summarises appropriate practices for controlling Legionella in water systems.
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